Международные турниры, Тото Кап

02 сентября 2016, 17:00
0 2
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co.date_to >= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 1138 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co1.date_to >= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co1.team=1138 WHERE m.id=16770) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co.date_to >= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 864 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co1.date_to >= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co1.team=864 WHERE m.id=16770) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co.date_to >= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 1138 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co1.date_to >= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co1.team=1138 WHERE m.id=16770) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co.date_to >= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 864 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co1.date_to >= '2025-03-07 06:28:44' and co1.team=864 WHERE m.id=16770) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc

В пятницу, 2 сентября, юношеская сборная России (игроки 2000 года рождения) сыграла второй матч на международном турнире TOTO Cup в Австрии, в котором уступила команде Хорватии. 

Россия – Хорватия 0:2 (0:2)

Голы: Крекович, 21 (0:1). Франйич, 29 (0:2).

Россия: Едапин, Скроботов, Михайлов (к), Евинов (Тарасов, 70), Москвичев, Карапузов (Бобров, 60), Колесниченко (Степанов, 70), Митрога (Агеев, 60), Миронов (Умяров, 41), Игнатов (Челидзе, 41), Лопатин.

Удаление: Лопатин, 72.

Дмитрий Ульянов, старший тренер сборной России:

- Проиграли хорошей команде. В первом тайме моментами действовали неплохо, но снова попались на своих ошибках. Один гол нам забили со штрафного, а другой мы пропустили из-за грубейшей ошибки защитников. У хорватов было больше шансов выиграть, чем у нашей команды. Хорватская сборная чуть-чуть превосходила нас во всех компонентах – и в скорости, и в тактике, и в технике. Но нужно идти дальше. Постараемся выиграть заключительный матч – с командой Австрии. Нужно отметить, что этот турнир, который мы играем в рамках подготовки к первому отборочному раунду Чемпионата Европы в Молдове, дает нам много пищи для размышлений.

Австрия – Швейцария 3:2 (2:0)

Положение команд после 2-го тура: Хорватия, Австрия – по 4 очка; Швейцария – 3; РОССИЯ – 0.

Календарь оставшихся матчей турнира:

4 сентября

12:00 Швейцария – Хорватия
15:00 Австрия – РОССИЯ

* В расписании указано московское время.