Международный турнир "Кубанская весна", Группа А

11 марта 2008, -:- | Россия | Крымск
0 1
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co.date_to >= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 538 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co1.date_to >= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co1.team=538 WHERE m.id=11322) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co.date_to >= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 814 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co1.date_to >= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co1.team=814 WHERE m.id=11322) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co.date_to >= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 538 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co1.date_to >= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co1.team=538 WHERE m.id=11322) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co.date_to >= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 814 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co1.date_to >= '2024-12-27 02:53:12' and co1.team=814 WHERE m.id=11322) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc


Стартовый состав
Камашева Наталья
Рагимова Гюнель 46′
Якупова Лина 46′
Плосконенко Наталья
Запотичная Юлия
Четвернина Зинаида 46′
Ременная Анна
Меняйлова Наталья 66′
Володина Елена
Смирнова Анастасия 46′
Ременная Анна 71′
Коровкина Нелли 46′
Осипова Наталья 71′
Лазарева Екатерина 46′
Старовойтова Тамара 46′
Бакулина Наталья 46′
Селецкая Оксана 66′


Стартовый состав
Маккоун 46′
Бретон 29′ 70′
Наполи 71′
Томсон 46′
Джермейн 70′
Смидингер 71′