Товарищеские матчи, Юношеские сборные 1997

06 мая 2012, -:-
1 0
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co.date_to >= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 954 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co1.date_to >= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co1.team=954 WHERE m.id=12706) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co.date_to >= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 921 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co1.date_to >= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co1.team=921 WHERE m.id=12706) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co.date_to >= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 954 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co1.date_to >= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co1.team=954 WHERE m.id=12706) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc
IOUT - Result
[0] => select * from (SELECT distinct mp.staff, mp.captain, mp.position, co1.team as nowteam, mp.player as pplayer, mp.number as number, (select co.team from tsi.contracts co inner join tsi.teams tt1 on tt1.id=co.team where p.id = co.player and co.date_from <= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co.date_to >= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and tt1.isclub=false ORDER BY tt1.id in (602,633,1154,1138,1096,1050,921,694,629,595,625,613,617,658,663,542,538,543,826,711,712,849,973,994) desc limit 1) as pteam,
mp.staff::int as st, t.title as ttit, p.id as pid, p.surname as pname, p.first_name as pfirst_name, p.patronymic as ppatronymic, me.id, me.match, me.team, me.player, me.firetime, me.injurytime, me.comment, me.timeout, me.goal, me.autogoal, me.goalfrompenalty, me.pin, me.yc, me.ycyc, me.rc, me.unrealizedpenalty, me.pout, me.pinout, me.realtime, me.cornergoal, me.finegoal, a.ord, a.name as aname FROM tsi.matches m LEFT JOIN tsi.matchplayers mp ON mp.team = 921 and mp.match=m.id LEFT JOIN tsi.matchevents me ON me.team = mp.team and me.match=m.id and me.player=mp.player INNER JOIN tsi.teams t ON t.id=mp.team INNER JOIN tsi.players p ON p.id=mp.player LEFT JOIN tsi.ampluas a ON a.id=p.amplua LEFT JOIN tsi.contracts co1 ON p.id = co1.player and co1.date_from <= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co1.date_to >= '2025-01-03 06:38:56' and co1.team=921 WHERE m.id=12706) as tbl order by staff, case when COALESCE(position,0) > 0 THEN COALESCE(position,0) = 1 ELSE COALESCE(ord,0) = 1 end DESC, number, pid, firetime, injurytime asc

В воскресенье, 6 мая, на стадионе "Doubletree Dunblane" в Стерлинге состоялся второй товарищеский матч между юношескими сборными (игроки 1997 года рождения) России и Шотландии. Несмотря на то, что на протяжении всего матча велась упорная борьба, подопечные Вячеслава Даева уступили со счетом 0:1.


Шотландия - Россия 1:0 (0:0)

Россия: Ищенко, Никитин, Рахмонов, Скопинцев, Евтушенко, Гордеочук (Могулкин), Полубояринов, Кипиани (Камышев), Ямщиков (Миронов), Маликов, Серченков.

Вячеслав Даев, старший тренер сборной России:

- Сегодня получилась очень информативная игра, особенно для тренерского штаба. По сравнению с первым матчем соперник вышел в обновленном составе. После предыдущей встречи мы понесли потери - два игрока получили травмы. В целом на протяжении всей игры команда действовала хорошо - на нашу игру было интересно смотреть. К сожалению, в концовке второго тайма мы допустили единственную ошибку, которая привела к взятию наших ворот.

Самое главное, что по результатам двух проведенных встреч мы увидели морально-волевые качества наших игроков. Доволен тем, что удалось посмотреть, как ведут себя футболисты в стрессовых ситуациях. Отмечу, что по прошествии времени у нас вырисовывается определенный костяк команды, прогресс очевиден, но нам нужно совершенствоваться и работать дальше. В начале июня у нас запланированы товарищеские игры с Португалией.